Anxiety At Workplace And Life In General.

Send Everyday Cards!Suffering from sweaty palms and forgetfulness at the sight of a crowd? Mouth turn dry and words fail when it’s turn to speak? Although you possess the requisite skills, you are not being counted as the One to move up the hierarchy at your workplace because you are not able to self publicize yourself to people that matter?

Well, if any of the above are true then you are suffering from anxiety and to a certain extent fear of public speaking.

You are not alone in this. This problem is huge in the world. It is as big as an epidemic. The worst part is not many people consider this as a big deal and worse, the people who suffer from it don’t accept it and in turn, never seek help.

In a world that is polarized and success matters at every step of the way, these quiet people who have withheld their brilliance seek outlets and more often than not, when they can’t express themselves in the right way they choose the wrong way. Hence, the shootings and suicides.

A small problem that grows to be a gigantic one. Anxiety leads to depression and depression leads to self harm and harming of others in a good number of cases. The treatment to this problem is readily available, but only if someone goes for it. This is precisely where the support group has to be: friends and family.

Keep an eye on the quiet member of your group. Try talking to them. There may be volcanoes inside that quiet exterior. Channel their energy the right way. It often takes jus’ a five-minute conversation.

Don’t be too busy for it. You may lose a friend and maybe a handful of others due to your indifference.


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