What To Do When Things Get Overwhelming?

Last night when Aaliyah and I were having a nice chat on the balcony. Then after finishing our cold coffee, we went in to prepare Kong’s dinner when I got a call from Emily. “Hey, Emi! How have you been?” I asked.

“Honestly speaking, not well at all, Uncle Bob,” She replied.

“What happened? Why are you sounding so low?” I asked.

“I just feel so tired of everything. Work, daily chores, personal life, and social life commitments. It is getting so overwhelming! I don’t know how to deal with this!” She replied.

What Emily was going through is quite common. We all go through such emotions when we are unable to strike a balance and have time for ourselves. Everything feels too much and we feel irritated and unhappy. She needed to come out of this.

“Well, this happens with everyone and me as well. Let me share with you these three ways which have worked wonders for me every time to come out of such situations:

Take a Breather – It’s important to take a breather from time to time. So, take a break and go somewhere for a few days. Just simply pack your bags and let your soul free. A road trip, a weekend getaway or maybe simply staying at your place and cutting yourself from all day to day work and enjoying your me-time. Do things that you genuinely enjoy at that time.

Stop staying hooked onto your screen- Make sure to stay away from your gadgets and too much social media. Spend time with nature and quality time in person with your loved ones. This has a lot more personal touch and helps the mind and soul to rejuvenate.

Be kind to yourself- We end up taking a lot of things on ourselves which takes a toll on our mental health. The race is never-ending so we must prioritize, draw a line and learn to say ‘no’ to things. Be kind to yourself and know that certain things can wait for a little. They are not going anywhere!

“Phew! This is so helpful! I am going to follow each of them. Thank you so much, Uncle Bob. I needed this!” She expressed.

“Follow them and see, you will feel a lot better!” I replied.

It is extremely important to take care of our mental health. When things get overwhelming, we must know how to make things fall back on track and feel better. Follow these ways and you will see that life becomes a lot easier and your soul becomes a lot happier.

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