We Were Born To Be Real, Not Perfect! March 5, 2016March 7, 2016Editor Bob Comment To imagine one day without women seems difficult so why do we really need a special day dedicated to the women? Yes we ..more
Mom, Do You Remember Me? February 29, 2016February 24, 2016Editor Bob Comment Winter chills and cuddles always seem to go together. I crawled onto the bed, beside Aaliyah last night when I saw her tears ..more
Marathon Wedding! February 22, 2016February 17, 2016Editor Bob Comment When the cute stranger asked Emily for her number during a run in Central Park, she was a little annoyed. She was ..more
Do Not Mind! February 15, 2016February 11, 2016Editor Bob Comment There is no great genius without some touch of madness. ~Aristotle Rounds of snow followed by coldest air of the winter during the ..more
Love Is A Sweet Responsibility! February 3, 2016Editor Bob Comment Love shines through our darkest hours. February brings with it a delightful time to celebrate the first ever emotive attribute which beholds ..more
Do You Speak The Language Of Love? January 29, 2016February 1, 2016Editor Bob Comment ‘Te amo’ in Spanish and Latin, ‘Je t’aime’ in French, ‘Ich liebe dich’ in German, ‘S’agapo’ in Greek, ‘Aloha wau ia oe’ in ..more
Recipe to Beat the Winter Blues! January 22, 2016January 22, 2016Editor Bob Comment Call it “Winter Blues” or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), it affects half a million people in America during the winter months causing mood ..more
Whisper ‘I Love You’ With Compliments And Hugs! January 18, 2016January 14, 2016Editor Bob Comment We have lately loaded our memory confetti with another sumptuous layer of joy, mirth and celebration this holiday season. Let the enthusiasm ..more
What If You Allow Yourself To Take One Step Towards Your Dream? January 11, 2016January 7, 2016Editor Bob Comment Imagine the possibilities if you brace yourself and keep moving steadfastly towards your goal. We all have fitness goals, work objectives, family plans ..more
Come Alive To New Opportunities In 2016! January 1, 2016January 1, 2016Editor Bob Comment Frail as he was at 91, New Year morning always saw him at his refulgent best, with his grandchildren all around him, propping ..more