Let’s Fight Autism Together With A Smile March 20, 2019March 20, 2019Editor Bob Comment A warm and ordinary day, the sun rays were shining through the skyscrapers of the city when I was taken aback with an ..more
Everyone Gets The Same Amount Of Sun Today! March 14, 2019March 14, 2019Editor Bob Comment Spring is here. The arrival of Spring Equinox also marks the start of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, the most important celebration in ..more
Plan A Fun-filled St. Paddy’s Day! March 7, 2019March 9, 2019Editor Bob Comment Winter is drawing to a close and I can feel the warmth of Spring. There’s a calming pleasantness in the air. St. Patrick’s ..more
Have Good Things Gone For Good? February 28, 2019February 28, 2019Editor Bob Comment “Love is going to save us from the world that’s gone mad…” My mom would sing it to me while I tried ..more
Do You Want To Make Others Happy At Your Cost? February 22, 2019Editor Bob Comment The weathermen forecast snow. New York is turning to rain and ice. The temps dropped to the low 30s but the storms are ..more
Falling In Love! February 15, 2019February 15, 2019Kate Comment What happens when a curly haired, eccentric psychic, wandering writer from New York dates a simple, realistic software engineer from Washington, D.C? ..more
Love Is Taking Action February 7, 2019February 7, 2019Editor Bob Comment Love is a verb. It is realized more in action than in words. February brings with it a splendid time to celebrate “love” ..more
10 Signs That You’ve Met Your Twin Flame! February 1, 2019Editor Bob Comment It is freezing here in NYC. The lake is frozen and it is snowing incessantly. This serene white-winter makes me vulnerable and ..more
How To Not Evade Commitment Of Forever And Ever, When Truly In Love! January 22, 2019January 23, 2019Editor Bob Comment I am chilled to the marrow. The freezing cold in NYC makes the warm room a safe haven. It is days like these ..more
The New Ways To Outlast The Chills Of The Ruthless Winter! January 18, 2019January 18, 2019Editor Bob Comment The weather is ruthlessly cold and I sat their recalling the time I spent baking a chocolate cake with my dear friend Adrian ..more