Admit An Honest Mistake!

I was out for a walk in the evening with my favorite song on the loop. The autumn breeze and rustling of leaves pumped up my mood. My phone rang. It was Emily!

“Hey, Emily! How have you been? Finally got time to call Uncle Bob!” I said. “I have something to share. I’m stressing out!” She answered.

“What happened? Tell me!” I asked.

“So mom will be here tomorrow! We will be spending Thanksgiving season together! She had asked me to enroll our names for this acrylic painting workshop. She had shared the link a month back. But, I forgot! Now, the slots are closed. I don’t know what to do!” She expressed.

“Tell her the truth! Simple! And, try looking for some other such workshops!” I suggested.

“But she will react and feel bad. I don’t want to hurt her. Should I just tell her that there were no slots empty?” She asked.

“No, never do that! It’s always better to admit an honest mistake than to tell a calculated lie. Tell her the truth. She might be upset but then she will be happy to see you speak the truth. Moreover, plan something else for her that can be greater than that. Surprise her!” I said.

“Yes, I agree. I will tell her the truth and make things easy. I will also find ways to surprise her in some other way. I won’t let this upset her!” She replied.

“Yes, now the two of you have fun! Video call me when together! I said and then we hung up.

Mistakes are not intentional and that’s why they can be forgiven. However, lying to cover up for things and control the damage is both intentional and undesirable. It taints the purity and trust of the relationship that has been built over the years. Hence, it’s better to refrain from it and simply speak the truth. Gather the courage and speak the truth, even if it is difficult!

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