Four Ways To Face And Overcome Uncertainty January 3, 2024January 4, 2024Editor Bob Comment Two days back when I was watering the January flowers which were blooming beautifully, the doorbell rang. We were not expecting anyone so ..more
Is Growing Up That Bad? January 5, 2023January 5, 2023Editor Bob Comment Last evening I was out to meet Fred after a really long time. We were there for a Karaoke night at our favorite ..more
His Eyes Were Full Of Shine December 28, 2022December 28, 2022Editor Bob Comment Yesterday morning I was sipping my latte on the balcony. My eyes fell on the January flowers that bloomed beautifully. Aaliyah was not ..more
Winter Is Calling For Some ‘Me Time’! January 5, 2022January 5, 2022Editor Bob Comment The snow-covered pavements, the dry leaves, the chilly breeze, winter is here in NYC! The first cup of coffee hits differently during winter. Aaliyah ..more
Should We Give A Second Chance? December 28, 2021January 5, 2022Editor Bob Comment Yesterday I woke up to the sight of beautiful January flowers lying on the table. I greeted Aaliyah. “Good morning, my love. Those ..more
Finding Happiness In Little Things December 30, 2019December 30, 2019Editor Bob Comment The sun is barely out these days and it is so cloudy here in Big Apple. Both Aaliyah and I were at Mrs. ..more
Being More Reflective This New Year December 24, 2019December 24, 2019Editor Bob Comment The New Year gatherings are definitely not getting over so soon! We were all singing! With that extra layer on, Big Apple is ..more
This New Year Welcome The Renewed You! January 11, 2019January 12, 2019Donna Comment Have you taken stock of the past year? What worked for you? Where did you stumble? Did you consider your wins and losses, ..more
Taking Good Care Of Yourself January 22, 2018January 20, 2018Editor Bob Comment We owe it to ourselves. Don’t we? I was walking down the road and like always my eyes were traveling from one ..more
6 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues! January 16, 2017February 9, 2017Editor Bob Comment Chilly and overcast day in New York reminds me that January is a dull time in the social calendar. Most part of the ..more