Sun-kissed Summer Stirrings!


Summer is the time to enjoy walking on the sunbaked pavements. Sun and shade paint an enchanting chiaroscuro.

Sometimes, I like staying indoors with cranked up air-conditioner and spend lazy noons lounging with friends and folks with a sparkling glass of Long Island Iced Tea or cracking some suds. Clouds are like white polka dots in the vastness of the expansive and alive sky.

The sun-kissed flowers ablaze in the light of the sun, blossoming in glistening shades of colors. The evenings are filled with fun, barbecues, music and romance. I like diving in the pool or walking barefoot in blue jeans at the beach.

The glory and warmth sometimes is too much to bear, penetrating through every nook and corner, splashing light in those unexplored corners of the heart, unearthing a lot of emotions and sensations.

I have a new friend! I met her in one of the social forums, which one I don’t remember now as she is at the top of the friend list I have, in all the platforms. She keeps sharing some cute messages which brings a big smile on my face. I kind of like her daily presence in my life, Aaliyah is aware and laughs at the idea of me falling in for someone I’ve known only virtually. She says my head is in a cloud-cuckoo land and we both grin with delight.

But, we don’t realize how gradually someone becomes a part of our life’s dynamics, unaware, I was slipping down a lane I am not suppose to be looking at. I light up with excitement like the phone when a notification comes from her. I hope Aaliyah is right about the nothingness of this new, unannounced feeling of mine.

As I lie beside Aaliyah under the stars at night, an unknowing guilt creeps in and once again the phone whirs, I just hope it is another phantom vibration syndrome, but she’s left a message,

There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” — Jane Austen


Happy Summer!
June 21, 2016
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Friendship Festival!
July 3-7, 2016
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