Continue Spreading Love With Festive Season November 22, 2021November 23, 2021Editor Bob Comment I was enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning when I got a call from Adrian, “Bob, I will be there in ..more
Light Giving Us Hope! November 16, 2021November 17, 2021Editor Bob Comment Aaliyah and I were sitting on the couch and making a list of things for Hanukkah. The celebrations will be at Megan’s place this ..more
Thanking The Unexpected This Thanksgiving November 8, 2021November 11, 2021Editor Bob Comment Yesterday Fred and I met after a long time over a cup of coffee. He showed to me his new collection of poems. ..more
Less Judgments, More Kindness! November 2, 2021November 2, 2021Editor Bob Comment We often jump to conclusions especially in matters of others. We make a strong judgment without knowing the whole thing. My friend Donna ..more
Paving The Way For Success October 25, 2021October 26, 2021Editor Bob Comment I was in the balcony watering the November flowers. I loved how the gentle autumn breeze touched my face and made the leaves on the ..more
What Is More To This Halloween? October 20, 2021October 20, 2021Editor Bob Comment Trick or treat, it’s time to scare everyone! Halloween is here and we can’t keep calm. This time the celebration will be at our place. ..more
Do It Only When You Are Ready! October 6, 2021October 6, 2021Editor Bob Comment It was 3 in the afternoon. I was working and Aaliyah was giving a belly rub to Kong. She made strong black coffee ..more
Baked With Love October 6, 2021October 6, 2021Editor Bob Comment It was a beautiful evening! We were all at Kate’s place to celebrate her new journey. Her family including her niece were there ..more
Your Dreams Were Given To You For A Reason September 28, 2021Editor Bob Comment I was taking a nap when I woke up to a loud cheer. I went to the hall room and saw, Aaliyah and ..more
Communication Is The Key To A Happy Relationship September 21, 2021September 23, 2021Editor Bob Comment We were all at Megan’s place enjoying the Sunday evening with good food and drinks. Aaliyah and Steve were giving ideas for new ..more