Did You Watch The Grammys?

Send Valentine's Day EcardsDid you watch the Grammys this year? I missed out because I had stuff to be cleared off my desk. But I heard from Irina that they had a rocking show this time around. She was thrilled when Robert Plant and Alison Krauss won the Record of the Year. She’s been a fan of Robert Plant since his Led Zeppelin days. She was especially glad because the winning song, ‘Please Read The Letter’ is tweaked from a tune that Plant wrote along with his Led Zeppelin band-mate Jim Page.

Of course, the fashion statement continues to fascinate her, especially the black ones. This time, however, Adrian was not with her. He’s spiked about last year’s Grammys when Herbie Hancock won instead of Kanye West. That didn’t go down well with Adrian. So he decided to boycott the Grammys this time and concentrated on making plans for the Valentine’s Day! I wish things move well with his plans and we get to know some romantic Valentine’s Day ideas soon! Stay tuned!

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