A Friend In Need…

Send International Friendship Month EcardsA faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure.” – Sirach

This quote fits great on Steve. Steve is proving to be a great support to Natalie. For those who joined in late, Natalie is a single mom with twin kids and a dog. So you can well understand how hard pressed she is for time. She has never expressed it to Steve but she does need the helping hand that Steve lends her. She’s working too and that takes a toll on her time. Steve may marvel at her time management skills, but he knows well how she has to struggle to be true to her time.

Steve loves the dog and the kids. All of us friends are amazed how Steve has stopped being a gadget freak and is taking interest in building up relationships. He’s no more the geek we used to know. Last day he told me that he had promised Natalie to pick up the groceries for her. I was taken aback. I wanted to ask if he remembered to get his own supplies, but then decided against it. It would not be right if I put him to discomfort just when he was bringing about the change that we wanted to see in him always. Would you not feel lucky to have a friend like Steve? Do you have a friend who’s always there for you? We’re celebrating International Friendship Month this February. Write in your friendship story. We may publish that on this blog with your name! Stay tuned for more updates.

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