The Dream Comes True

Send Martin Luther King, Jr. Day EcardsToday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I have something really special for you guys. This guest post is written by my friend Fred.

Hey people,
I’m sure you’ve all heard about me about how active I am with non profits and veteran affairs. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is really significant for me this year because in my generation we saw changes happen in a major way because of Martin Luther King, Jr. Those were interesting times, again history has brought us here. Tomorrow we’re going to be inaugurating the first black man to be the President of the United States. There is change in the air that our nation is going to rise up again. I’ve seen a lot of folks going through hard times right now. Everyone is giving a hand in helping each other. And I’ve never seen this kind of solidarity among people who came together to make change happen. There is a long road ahead. MLK’s dream had come true, we can tell our children and grandchildren, “Yes, you can become the President if you work hard for it.” That’s what America is all about to me. I’m looking forward to the months to come, I’m sure you are too. I really think if we keep a positive attitude and strive for change, it really will happen. Yes, we can make it happen. We are going through a particularly rough patch and the only way we can go ahead is to open up new venues and vistas for ourselves. Let’s not forget that we can all contribute towards a better tomorrow and if we do our small bit, the larger picture will definitely shape up the way we have dreamed it. So let’s look ahead and make our own way forward.

Have a great day and thank you Bob for letting me connect with your friends online.

Take care,


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