Smile and Rejuvenate, Let the Spring Arrive In Your Life!

“What stops you from letting the smile reach your eyes? What is it that seems like the princess’s pea, hidden beneath layers, not letting you rest?” I asked Donna.

We were sitting in the lush green garden with graceful tulips and fragrant hyacinths, magic of spring, spreading its sparkling hue and painting the flowers in kaleidoscopic shades.

Donna looked grim and the smirk was only a curve on her face. She continued to cuddle her kitten and ignored my question. I probed her. She opened up. “Life has been kind to me and my children post-divorce. All is well. I deserve a reward for being a strong single parent Bob,” I nodded in agreement. She continued, “But there is a void I feel within. Ethan and Emily are growing fast and one day I will be all by myself and that scares me.”

“Every human being wants to be acknowledged, to be seen and heard. When was the last time you reconnected with old friends, other than me?” I inquired. She frowned. She had really been out of touch with friends let alone saying hello to colleagues and strangers. Loneliness is just a state of isolation, when we stop acknowledging ourselves and people around us. When we do not smile and sink in a deep drudgery. Raise your head from your desk, look around and find a pair of eyes craving the attention, beam at them, make their day, just say hello. Smile and Rejuvenate. This simple gesture can change your state from fear of being alone to opening up to fellowship.

The snow is melting, the Spring Equinox is here. New leaves are budding on lonely branches and filling in the fine details on nature’s canvas. The relaxing sound of birds chirping and yellow butterflies surrounded us as we sat in quietude for sometime. It’s so beautiful to emerge from the grey winters and bask in the warmth of spring. When we open up, the springtime arrives in our life.

A woman was walking her dog nearby, she was looking at us and I noticed Donna smile beautifully at her, the woman returned the smile and a spontaneous feeling of well-being enveloped us.

Let us not fall in the trap of our self-created state of aloofness. Renew your connections and spread more smiles. Let your love flow to others this spring. Send warm greetings today.

Spring Equinox
March 20, 2015

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March 20, 2015 – June 20, 2015

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Send Spring Ecard!

Cuddly Kitten Day,
March 23 , 2015

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