You’re One of A Kind

The sun was setting on a warm summer evening and I settled in with a coffee ice cream, when I noticed Rachel, my niece, come up to me. Her usual bright smile was absent.

“Uncle Bob, can we talk?” she asked, her voice had a hint of irritation. “Of course, Rachel. What’s on your mind?” I asked, already sensing something was bothering her.

“It just feels like everyone around me is getting ahead in life. Some of my friends are getting job offers, others are acing their exams and here I am just kind of stuck. It feels like no matter how hard I try, I’m always a step behind. It’s like everyone else is running a race and I’m not even on the track.”

I nodded, “I know it can feel that way sometimes, especially in college, where it seems like everyone else has it all figured out. But, you are one of a kind, Rachel,” I said gently. “It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, to feel like you’re falling behind when you see others succeeding. But here’s the thing: everyone’s growth trajectory is different. You’re not running the same race as them—you’re on your own journey.”

She frowned, “But how do I stop feeling like I’m not good enough?”

“It’s not about doing more or being better than anyone else. Life isn’t a competition; it’s a journey, and we each have our own pace. What matters is that you stay true to yourself, that you keep moving forward, no matter how slow it feels sometimes. Your time will come, Rachel—just be patient.”

Rachel’s face lit up slightly. “I guess I just need to remember that. It’s hard when you’re surrounded by so much pressure to succeed.”

“I know it is. But trust in your journey. You have so much to offer, and the world will see that in its own time. You are one of a kind, and that’s something no one can take away from you.”

She smiled, “Thanks, Uncle Bob. I really needed to hear that.”

I smiled and offered her a cup of coffee and we spent rest of the evening laughing and enjoying the sunset in my balcony.

It’s easy to feel like we’re not enough when we compare ourselves to others, especially in a world that constantly pushes us to measure our worth by external achievements. But the truth is, each of us is writing our own story, even if the chapters don’t unfold as quickly as we’d like.Trust in your journey, be patient with yourself, and know that the world needs your story, just as it is!

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