Would Have Regretted Not Trying!

I was binge-watching my favorite show last evening when I got a notification. It was from Adrian! “Finally my cousin is a graduate!” The text read as a caption along with a picture. It was a picture from his cousin’s Graduation ceremony.

I paused the show. Then I went to the drawer in the right-hand corner. I took out some old albums and finally got the one that I was looking for! I opened the first page – “Graduate – The Engineer Bob!” There was a family picture with me in the middle and both my parents on the side. Liz had captured the moment.

The picture made me nostalgic! At that time I was happy to have gotten the degree and started a new job. We had gone out for sumptuous lunch. However, my passion for writing soon took over. The techie in me would often have oscillating thoughts – do the job or take a chance and write! The confusion which is common at that age!

Finally, I decided to give it a shot! Everyone had supported my choice! They had shown confidence when I didn’t.

At times I do think. What if I would have failed as a writer? Would I have tried again? Or would I have gone back to being a techie again? Well, I don’t know! But, I would have definitely regretted not trying.

“Life is too short so make sure to give a shot to everything that you deeply desire. Don’t have any regrets on your last day!” My dad used to say. That reverberates in my ears always whenever I’m in a dilemma.

From ‘Engineer Bob’ to ‘Writer Bob’ – the journey has been very fulfilling. I have evolved from that young Graduate Bob to being your friend. At first, I was nervous like any newcomer but then slowly I trusted my own efforts. I simply followed my heart and expressed to connect with you – my readers!

There has been so much joy ever since then! And, by far this has been one of the best decisions of my life! Perhaps this is life! Choices we make and then see how things turn out after all the hard work. To all the new graduates, you too will have your first day and the nervousness associated with it but simply follow your heart at that time! Guided by passion, it knows the best way!

The others, let me know if you have any such story similar to mine!

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