There Are No Setbacks–Just Experiences

On a warm summer afternoon, as I tended to the fresh August flowers blooming on my balcony, Aaliyah walked through the door. I could see her posture was stiffer than usual and her eyes were clouded with worry. I offered her a warm hug and a glass of water.

With a single gulp, she downed the water, her breaths gradually calming. Finally, she burst out, “I didn’t get the job, Bob. They passed me over.”

Taking her hand, I said, “Let’s take a deep breath together, Aaliyah.  Sometimes things don’t go as planned but I know that you gave it your all.” I reminded her of times when she was faced with tough situations and had bounced back even stronger. I said, “Remember how those tough times taught you valuable lessons? This is just another chance to learn and grow for whatever comes next.”

Aaliyah’s gaze moved towards me. I saw a tiny spark in her eyes. “You’re right, Bob. I should see it as a stepping stone towards improvement rather than a roadblock,” she admitted, taking another sip of water. “So, where do we begin?”

I smiled and shared, “Embrace the Feels: Begin with taking a breather and let those emotions flow. Remember, rejection doesn’t define your awesomeness. Companies have a whole checklist they consider, so it’s not always about you.

Say thank you: Even in rejection, grace matters. Shoot a quick thank-you note to the interviewer. It can help receive some feedback or future opportunities.

Know you’re not alone: You’re not the only one sailing this boat. Hit up some podcasts or YouTube for inspiration. Knowing others have bounced back can be a serious mood booster!

Begin to Reflect: Time for a post-interview debrief. Celebrate what went well and think about how you can level up for the next round. No beating yourself up is allowed, Aaliyah!

Shine Your Brightest: Focus on what makes you shine and flaunt it in your next interview. Improve yourself and let them know why you’re the dream hire. Confidence is key, and so is that winning smile!

Aaliyah smiled, she had perked up a bit. “Thank you, Bob! You always know how to life my spirits!”

“One last thing,” I teased, “a scoop of soft ice cream at your favorite spot can work wonders too!”

Aaliyah chuckled, squeezing my hand. “Sounds like a plan!”As we stepped outside, I thought about the times I’d been rejected when I was finding a job in New York City. Though it was tough, it taught me something new each time. Sometimes things don’t go your way, but it is your attitude that makes all the difference. Embrace every failure with an open mind and strive for excellence as you climb the next rung of the ladder. Remember, just like a heart monitor, life’s ups and downs are natural and show that you are indeed – alive!

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