Discovering Your Reason For Being December 30, 2024December 30, 2024Editor Bob Comment Last winter evening, over a steaming cup of coffee, Elina shared, “Bob, everyone tells me to follow my passion but I feel stuck. ..more
Is He “The One”? December 17, 2024December 17, 2024Editor Bob Comment Elina and I met at our favorite coffee spot yesterday and as we settled in with our mugs, she said, “Bob, I’ve been ..more
Little Things That Fill Your Heart November 27, 2024November 28, 2024Editor Bob Comment Yesterday evening, I decided to grab a cup of coffee at Cookie and Cream Café, a cozy spot that always feels like home. ..more
Are You Selecting Friends Or Friendship??? July 21, 2015Editor Bob Comment The weather changed from being sunny to overcast. Temperatures in the 80s and the humidity helping it along made the mid-July day in ..more
Easter Is A Time To Take A Pilgrimage To Your Heart! March 27, 2015Editor Bob Comment So many times we experience a fork on the road and juggle with multiple ways and means to arrive at our chartered destination. ..more