Mother’s Day [ May 13 ]
It was the cookies that did it ! Well pals, I’m ashamed to admit this, but it had completely slipped my mind that Mother’s Day was just around the corner ! So there I was chatting with Rick at the corner burger joint on Friday evening when the warm, sweet smell of freshly baked cookies wafted into my nostrils… I turned my head ‘n noticed that the girl in the next shop was just taking out a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies from the oven. And then at once, it hit me ! I remembered the way my mom used to do exactly the same thing when I was a kid, and how Betty ‘n I couldn’t wait to get our hands on the munchy goodies… I used to tug at her apron and she kept saying, “Hold on, Bob. It’s still too hot !” Oh, those were the days ! Thinking back about my growing years still brings tears of joy to my eyes ! How I appreciate the tender love with which you brought us up, mom ! The least I can do is to express my love to her with a lovely e-card on Mother’s Day. I can never repay the kindness, but I’ll always, always love you, mom.