It’s Like The Writer’s Block

As I sat at my desk, Steve, my colleague, approached with a troubled look on his face. His glasses were a bit askew and it was clear something was bothering him.

“Hey, Steve, everything alright?” I asked, concerned. I gestured for him to take a seat.

“Hey, Bob! I’ve been trying to fix this code for hours but I’m getting nowhere. I just can’t figure out what’s wrong,” he sighed as he settled into the chair.

I could sense the stress radiating from him. “You know, Steve,” I said gently, “It’s natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes but you have a choice. You can let it push you forward or backward. Take a deep breath. Step away for a bit. A short walk might help clear your mind.”

Steve nodded, looking pensive. “You’re right, Bob. I’m confused. I love coding, it’s my passion. Yet lately, I’ve been feeling burned out.” he admitted.

“Steve, let me tell you something; the childhood belief that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life isn’t entirely true. Every job demands hard work and focus, which can sometimes create temporary pressure. It’s like being in a complicated relationship. One moment, it’s thrilling and fulfilling; the next, it’s overwhelming. We need to recognize when we need a break.”

Steve said, “Yes, you’re right, Bob. This project is more challenging than before. It’s been weighing me down. I caved in and smoked today after ages of quitting.”

“Oh Steve! Focus on believing in finding a solution sooner or later, but steer clear of unhealthy habits. Remember, as children, even when we played games we were good at, we sometimes failed. It was our self-belief and ability to fix things the next time that kept us going. You see, stress doesn’t come from what’s happening in your life. It’s from your thoughts about what’s happening. Believe you can fix it, and watch how everything changes for you.”

Steve absorbed my words. “You’re right on point, Bob,” he said slowly. “I’ve been too fixated on my problems, stressing without realizing that worrying about it won’t help; in fact, it’ll make it worse. I’ll be mindful not to slip into bad habits. Thank you, Bob. I’ll leave early today and tackle this fresh tomorrow!” he grinned. I returned the smile, saying, “Absolutely, just breathe, smile, and take it slow.”

As Steve left, I realized how easy it is for stress to consume us. Sometimes, even what we love to do can become momentarily stressful. It’s important to recognize when stress is temporary and when it’s become a permanent fixture, that’s when there’s a need for change. Taking regular breaks, relaxation techniques, work-life boundaries, and seeking support can all help. Sacrificing our health and stressing too much is not justified. So maybe, in moments like these, if we step back, take a breath, and reassess, we can make a healthier, happier environment for ourselves and those around us.

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