It’s Always Cozy With Our Loved Ones!

The much awaited time of the year is here. With Christmas being round the corner, NYC is all decked up. New Yorkers are in a shopping spree and waiting for Santa! After wrapping up all the work before holidays, I drove to my favorite bakery to get some hot chocolate and truffle slices. Excited to spend the evening with Aaliyah, I drove back home.

The last couple of months have been too busy for both Aaliyah and me! We both had to meet deadlines and network for our work. We are not that keen on going out.

“Bob, why don’t we plan something indoors for Christmas? Having more fun with our loved ones under the same roof! I miss the old times! Also, it’s been long since we all had such an intimate gathering!” She had expressed.

When I shared the idea with everyone, they were eager to enjoy Christmas this way! “Alright, let’s do it then!” I had agreed. Staying indoors and celebrating with our close gang is what we have planned this time.

Celebrating with your close ones has its own essence. I remember when my grandmother used to come over, and that meant listening to her stories near the bonfire and soaking up all her love and warmth. We waited the entire year for this.

I also remember how we used to draw and color to make greeting cards. The first time I greeted my dad with a card with Santa’s image, Dad had loved it. “I think I have a bigger tummy than Santa! What do you think, Bob?” He had asked with a wink. “Ho Ho Ho!” I had replied with a laugh.

Then he would bring out the chef in himself and open his recipe book to cook a special menu. Liz and I were his assistants. It was so much fun!

This year, we are all equally participating to add a personal touch to everything. We will cook together and do potluck at Mrs. Bradley’s place. Everyone will get something from home, and we will enjoy the sumptuous dinner together. Fred will be reading out his poems, Alan will be strumming the guitar, Aaliyah will be arranging games, and Mrs. Bradley will play the piano. I have decided to dedicate one page of write-up for everyone.

We have kept it warm and cozy this year by keeping things close-knit. Much like the earlier times which fills us with a sense of belongingness! A lot of us miss that amidst the loud music and fancy ambience! After all, the real essence lies in having an unforgettable time that makes it memorable! The personal touch makes it special. A homely celebration surrounded by people who love us unconditionally—Christmas couldn’t sound better!

Let me know your plans! Merry Christmas!


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