Happy Thanksgiving! Last week I asked you what you are thankful for, if you haven’t responded back to me, please visit our group on Facebook or my blog to share your views. Thank you to those who have responded so far, I really appreciate your support. I’ve pretty much told you what my plans are for Thanksgiving. I’d like to know what your plans are too! So, come on over to my blog and share! |
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Thanksgiving At Bob’s [Nov 27]
My place is pretty much clean and ready for folks to show up in the evening. But I’m kinda getting the hibby jibbies because I don’t want my Thanksgiving plans to be a disastrous Thanksgiving pot luck from hell. I mean I can sense the ego clash between Megan and Berka already. Ya, I do live dangerously, don’t I? But I think Megan’s happy since I asked her to do the main turkey course. She says that it’s her grand mother’s recipe but she’s been researching on the Internet and perfecting it. She’s been calling her mother a lot too and asking her a ton of questions. Seth, her sous chef is going crazy already and yelling at me as to why I asked Megan to do the main course. I can’t help it bro, I have to keep the peace between the two emerging chefs! Donna and the twins, Emily and Ethan are coming to dinner too! She’s making something called the “Harvard Beets,” it’s a sort of a sweet sour thing, you kinda have to develop a taste for it. I’ve had it only once at her place and didn’t really like it. Berka is making Cranberry Pecan Pie for dessert and I’m really looking forward to that! Our trendy Irina is making pear soup. Ya, pear soup! Cooking and Irina, now that’s something folks! Rick is bringing a southern dish, Candied Yams with Bourbon. Of course that’s his favorite Thanksgiving dish! Kaitlin doesn’t really want to sweat it out in the kitchen so she’s going to be the sommelier and bring wine and drinks. I’m just glad most of my friends will be there, it might be a crazy Thanksgiving dinner, but we’ll still have fun and I’m sure that we’re going to have a great time! |
Saying ‘Thanks’
Liz, my sister, has really taught Rachael a thing or two about manners. Rachael is impeccable when it comes to manners and is a glaring exception among children her age yelling at and even bullying each other. She always makes a pretty picture with her soft-spoken demeanor and attitude. She uses the words ‘Thank You’ and ‘Please’ generously and that is just so pleasing to their ear in times of mental distress or otherwise. Gift her candy or a cycle, she’ll say ‘Thanks’ in the same elegant, charming way. She creates this feeling inside you where you’d want to give her something just to hear her say ‘Thank You’. It occurred to me all of a sudden that there are many things in life that we take for granted, instead of expressing the gratefulness that is so desperately due. To practice what I preach, there are many things that I take for granted. For example, Mrs. Bradley’s cookies! They are always there for me, hot off the oven. But do I thank her enough? Definitely not! In fact, I must be thankful to even Adrian for being the great friend and support that he is. It may seem a little foolish also to go around thanking your loved ones every time they do something for you, but it’s these little things that count. What I mean is, they don’t really care whether you thank them or not. They just do you favors because they love and care about you. And I don’t think you can ever express your thankfulness to them by the medium of words. But yes, once in a while, it’s always good to say that you care and appreciate their love and support. Make it a point, take sometime out, and tell them that you really appreciate them. I’m sure it’ll brighten their day instantly. Just to tell Rachael how proud the family is, my sister Liz is preparing an all vegetarian Thanksgiving meal in honor of her conviction to be a vegetarian even at Thanksgiving. So the whole family decided, they’ll support her and they’ll all have a vegetarian feast. What’s really important is that they are family and that they have each other. I guess the only one not having vegetarian food is the pup! |
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Stay In Touch
The latest technology in mobile devices may have shrunk the geographical divide, but I have observed that people in the recent past are making lesser efforts to keep in touch with their friends and family. That applies to a certain extent to me as well. There are many people whom I know and care for, but don’t get in touch with regularly. A lot of my friends and family don’t live in this town. I have lost touch with most of my friends who I know since my childhood, I’ve lost touch with them despite my best intentions to stay connected. Even with some friends who are in town, I hardly get the time to connect on a daily basis. I don’t know who or what to blame for this ever widening communication gap. Is it us or our busy schedules? I picked this up with my friends. They agreed that they have all built up small units for themselves and only communicate with a small group of people daily. New York is such a clique town anyway. Friends have to wait for weekends, and families have to wait for events like Thanksgiving. So this Thanksgiving, if you’ve lost touch with someone you care about, make a resolution to stay connected with them throughout the year, instead of waiting for that occasional luncheon or dinner. It is hard to stick to this but this is one try we can put in honestly just for the sake of the human bonds that must be nurtured at all cost. Here’s wishing you luck! |
Love and the Family
Talk about connections, guess who else is coming to dinner? Eleanor (Mrs. Bradley) is going to be introducing Frank to her family on Thanksgiving. Frank is feeling the butterflies in his stomach because he doesn’t know how the family would react. I think they’ve been suspecting that something was up, I mean, Eleanor’s children aren’t exactly that young, if you get my meaning. They have been in love themselves, so they know the tell-tale signs of people in love. As it were, despite Eleanor’s wish to keep things clandestine for the time being, her inviting a man at the family dinner table is a big deal. There hasn’t been anyone except her son Mike before, so it’s somewhat unusual when she said her friend Frank would be coming to dinner. Of course, she being the person she is, wouldn’t say anything to Mike and Lisa without the consent of Frank. But when she asked him, Frank was cool about telling her family. He realizes how important her family is to her and he doesn’t want to make things tough for her. Frank is a really nice and understanding guy. There are times when people in love have to make tougher choices. Choosing a loved person over another is never an easy affair, and Frank did not want her to go through the ordeal. So folks, we have to see how her one and only son react to the news. It’ll be an eventful Thanksgiving for them, that’s certain. Let’s sign off this edition reiterating the need of us all to be thankful to our fellow beings with this quote by Edward Sandford Martin – “Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” To stretch the point, let us not be thankful to our loved ones only during Thanksgiving, but throughout the year. Don’t forget to respond back to me either. |
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Editor, 123Greetings
P.S. If you don’t think you have enough friends and want more head on over to our little Facebook club and meet other readers of my newsletter!
Dear Bob,
your news letter is important to us since we like to hear from you and since it also takes us away of our everyday lives and shows us how life is in a different continent. It isn’t so different than ours you know the same things that are important to you are important to us too.Like family and friends.Of course the only different thing is our lovely weather and our lovely villages.
We don’t celebrate thanksgiving in Cyprus but if i have some spare time i will go up to my village Pedhoulas.Lots of greetings and positive energy from Cyprus.Keep up the good work and don’t forget to write……………
We enjoy the news letter, Pat & Bob
Dear Bob.
First of all, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you so much for the weekly newsletters, they are
really fun to read and very inspiring too!
I hope that your thanksgiving party go on well (must
be on now) and please share the joy with us!
Thank you again and have a wonderful holiday season!
with best wishes,
Hello and my grandson and I hope you and your’s have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We just wanted you to know we enjoy your letters they are the bright spot in our lives. My son was out for his son’s birthday in Sept. So we could not have him come again so soon. So our thanksgiving will be just the two of us. Yes we will have the turkey with gravy and a couple of other dishes. We usually run around town looking and enjoying things and getting ideas for Xmas. Anyway have a wonderful Thanksgivig, we are thankful for so many things but especially for what we have and that is each other. May you all be blessed with love and friendship. June and Family
Hello, my grandson and I hope you and your’s have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We just wanted you to know we enjoy your letters they are the bright spot in our lives. My son was out for his son’s birthday in Sept. So we could not have him come again so soon. Our thanksgiving will be just the two of us. Yes we will have the turkey with gravy and a couple of other dishes. We usually wonder around town looking and enjoying things and getting ideas for Xmas. Anyway have a wonderful Thanksgivig, we are thankful for so many things but especially for what we have and that is each other. May you all be blessed with love and friendship. June and Family
Thanks for your newsletters. They are a ray of sunshine in a sometimes bleak day. Hope the dear Lord will bless you now and forever.
I had a turkey and all the trimmings.My partner and my son and I were the guests. It was a great day. I love fixing a big meal for a lot of people,but the people didn’t show up, for their own reasons.
Happy Thanks Giving Day to You All.
Thank you Bob…I really enjoy reading your newsletters which always puts me in cheerful spirit with all the mundane happenings in office!
We are in Canada. We had our Thangsgiving last month. Thank you
It would be nice if your clients could have a link to your letter.
Hanne Nolte
The Best In West
Hi There,
We are in Canada. We had our Thnaksgiving last month.
It would be nice if your client could add links to your letter.
Hanne Nolte
The Best In The West
Ciao Editor Bob,
I enjoyed your newsletter,it was chatty,informal,and quite readable. The thread of family that ties its components together, however, was what kept me reading. Your message of thankfulness was a precious one, for not only do people take each other for granted, many do not know how to gracefully receive a gift,even one which comes from the heart. The story of the little one whose ‘elegant thankyou’ makes you want to gift her even more illustrates that relationship should consist of a two way flow, and works smoothly when it is not a one way street. After all, the flow of love travels outward when it does not stagnate.
Thank you for reminding us of the importance of relationship in an age of superficialities.
it’s typical man’s way of thinking…
woman loves her kids,brothers and parents but always needs a man to be happy…
what choice is here? can you love anyone when you unhappy
anyway, i am so lucky to have peace and understanding around me!
sorry, just can not stop to say thank you for everything i got
i enjoyed your letter very much … looking forward to the nrxt one ….. thank you
I am very appreciate for your letter. I am THAI in my country we do not have thanksgiving day.Anyway I hope you will have a wonderful and fulfil your heart with happiness of making happiness to .everyone
Hey Bob,
Im just getting used to blogs- new to me so here goes.
We went to visit my Dad ( remember he is recovering) in SC- enjoyed my Dad but Ken drove the 18 hrs straight home Saturday so we r beat- I go back to work tomorrow.
Sad to say , the only one I enjoyed re: family was Dad & my little nephews & nieces,I have 2 stepsisters & their husbands who for some reason have become snobs- & I guess we have nothing in common- I really love my sister inlaw- Christy- who is more like a sister.She is an awesome Christian & lives it.Now I know why I havent been there for that holiday in 10 yrs but Im glad I went for my Dad- that was the prupose so I gave thanks.
this is an awesome blog & glad your Thanksgiving was nice- please pray that my attitude changes and I dont become bitter.
My stepmom was very edgy but she has been under a lot of pressure taking care of DAd.
So now I m back to work & sending out boxes for the troops for Christmas & phone cards.
God Bless you – Im thrilled to be part of this,
Sincerely,Angela Rae Caron
Hi Bob,
I really enjoy your news letter, specially quotes..! It’s great to receive your news letter.May God lead your path.
B. You really are a kind fellow. You and your stories have brought all these folks together. I only recently found out how to access the blogs, the other websites like Facebook and Myspace. I am a bit computer illiterate and take baby steps when it comes to machines. But once I discovered the other domains, all has become wonderous! I even like the web page that pictures all your great friends- that also includes dear sweet Kong. Nice visuals. Then, the newsletter archives- how helpful. I can go back and re-live the adventures. I felt as though I have broken into another world that is magical and full of awe.
Hope your Thanksgiving festivities were fun. I certainly had a good Thanksgiving day. I even gave my hampster, Punchinella (call her Punch), some T-day treats. She was most content as she Ran that squeaky exercise wheel all night long.
I have much to be thankful for. Life is so full of colorful story and you certainly have proven it so. Looking forward to your next newsletter. Thank you for it all.
always your friend, hugs and kisses, L.
Dear Bob,
I planned not to write but just smile each time reading your lines…
I was fostered by my grandparents and at that time I didn’t know how to read nor write.
but your stories have helped me at least i can read.
I truly want to say “Thank You” from the bottom of my heart.
I can be very air minded as much as hard headed… Am i writing those words correctly as i couldn’t write from the past.
I went to school to each lunch and now i eat words..In between words I also ate crabs…
I thank you for all your inspirational stories because they have made me cry and laugh… It reminded me so much of the time i laughed my belly off..then i wanted to beat the IT out of the bush. My heart fell out of the car seat because i couldn’t speed at 35… then, turning to the right i wanted so bad to cry. at that time, not that i was sad, but i was turning purple because i thought i was turning the opposite directions! My friend and I were like “Tom and Jerry” … the only problem was we missed out the “bird”…
Ok.. my brain is fried and i might miss the chicken in the kitchen … i gotto stop or else your eyes will roll like a football in an empty field…
good night.
your reader