Hey folks,
How are you doing these days? I’m hoping you’re really looking forward to the summer–it’s only two weeks away! Well, I gotta tell ya though, I had my fill of BBQs for now. Frankly, I’m sick of hanging out in the park. And wait till you hear about my poor Kong! |
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Get Well Soon Kong!
Kong was acting a bit sick lately so I told Megan about it. I’ve been really busy with the blog and the new redesign for the newsletter site so I haven’t been able to take him to the vet. Megan said that she’d do it–she had time on her hands. Of course, she took Kong to the usual animal clinic and she saw Seth. What followed was not pretty. Megan and Seth started arguing about their trip (read it here if you missed it) and how she left in the middle of the weekend etc… while Seth was examining Kong. He was doing a thorough checkup on the dog. The argument between Megan and Seth heated up. She got really upset, so Megan grabbed Kong and came home. When I got home, they were back for a good two hours. Adrian was there too, they were really worried because Kong had been acting strange. He had been whining and didn’t want any food or water. We all asked him what the matter was, and he just continued whining. If Kong knew how to speak human he would be cussing us. Some time passed and Adrian realized something and said, “Did you notice that Kong hasn’t sat down this entire time? I mean, he’s not wagging his tail much either.” Megan realized it too and started saying, “OH NOO—” and put her hand on her eyes. She kept saying, “Oh no, oh no, oh no…” By then I figured it out–the only way to check a dog’s temperature is through his butt. I lifted Kong’s tail and sure enough there was a thermometer sticking out! Megan started apologizing profusely. I told her not to worry about it. Kong seemed happier since the object was removed from his butt. Then I called up Seth to tell him to collect his instrument. Megan was gone by the time Seth showed up so no more drama followed. Seth was horrified by the situation, apologized profusely, then continued his examination out of courtesy and told me that Kong was having a stomach upset. He gave me a prescription for him and left. “See, it’s never a good idea to be in between a couple,” I told Kong. He looked back with grateful eyes; he was just happy to be thermometer-free |
Best Friends Day [Jun 8]
Laura told me that she didn’t want to see me anymore. Ya, it came as a shock to me too. I mean, I really thought we had something going, but that’s not what she thought. She wasn’t mean or anything, she was really concerned about me. She said, “Bob, you’re still pretty young and you’re filled with life. I don’t want to destroy that in you. I mean, I have a kid who needs a lot of attention and I can’t always hang out. Ya know? You’re really sweet but this is not working out. Plus we can always be friends.” I think it’s just another way of saying the “It’s not you, it’s me” line. And of course I was heart broken! I thought for once I can go steady with someone, but fate must have a different destiny for me. The only thing I could think of was talking to my best friend Megan and figuring out what to do. I don’t know what I would do without a friend like her. So Megan agreed to meet me at one of those Indian restaurants on 8th street. I love their environment, especially those hanging chili lights from the ceiling. I figured that’ll get me to stop thinking about my hurt feelings. Nothing like spicy food to kick you back into reality, I tell ya! Megan came in half hour late–which was really unusual for her. Besides it was an SOS from me and she’s never late for an SOS. She came in and started yapping about her new found ‘life coach’ Leo. Apparently she met him when she lost her job. She didn’t know what to do so she consulted a ‘life coach’. “Wait a minute, why are you telling me all this now?” I asked, amazed. “I mean, I was there for you, too.” She smiled and said, “I know Bob and I really appreciated that. The road trip did me good. I made the decision to go back to school while we were at that diner.” I looked at her and asked, “The alien diner?” She chuckled and said, “No, silly, the diner with the old couple. I knew I should follow my heart like Leo said and it all made sense then.” She continued on about how she saw Leo after the fight with Seth and what he told her. Leo this and Leo that… I kept my focus on my lamb saag and biryani–at least I was fulfilling my nutritional needs. After we finished dinner, I really didn’t have the energy to talk to her about what happened with Laura. Megan did try and console me saying, “Ya know Bob, you can’t rush these things. You have to take it easy, learn to breathe again, appreciate the small things around you. Look at me, I was really down and was completely a wreck when I lost my job, but now I have a purpose in life. I’m going to go to a culinary school and become a chef. No more dreaming!” I think Megan changed a bit after our trip home. I just hope she still remains my best friend. |
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Romantic Weddings
During my weekly catch-up dinner with friends, Kate told us about a romantic wedding Jeffrey took her to in Prospect Park. She still can’t stop talking about Jeffrey, and now it’s even worse! They went to this really romantic wedding on a hill in the park. The groom was connected with some city officials and got the venue without much hassle. Kate said, “It wasn’t a big wedding. The guests included enough people from both sides. Families and close friends. It was kinda a big deal for me because I met Jeffrey’s mom and dad. They were really nice. Everything was so elegant…” of course I zoned out by then! You know me, I’m not the romantic sort who can keep track of all this. I remembered Megan being wide-eyed, and so was Irina! What is it about the wedding season that makes all girls crazy? It was a good thing Kaitlin couldn’t make it because who knows what drama would start. Kate went on about the ceremony and how the bride and groom wrote their own vows. How it had African elements as well as the Jewish elements into it to celebrate both of their heritage and traditions. “That’s what a wedding is supposed to be, it’s something that’ll make your dreams come true,” concluded Kate–starry eyed. I wonder what she’s thinking in her head about Jeffrey, or even Jeffrey’s intentions. I mean going to a wedding, meeting the folks… ya know what I mean? Well, you’re going to have to stay tuned on this saga! Another romance saga however turned out to be a totally different story… |
Explosive Couples
Rick is still on his mission to quit smoking. He has his good days and his bad ones. He called the other day around quitting time, saying he was in the city and wanted to hang out, so we met up at a bar close to work. I called Megan and some of the regulars to meet us there. Now, this place wasn’t a usual stop on our pub crawls. It was more of a theme place with kitschy knick-knacks hanging from the ceiling and old signs and stuff–kind of a “Ye Olde Newe Yorke” tourist place. And yep, there were lots of tourists in the place. As we were tasting our first round of ice cold brews, a couple of giggling girls started throwing straw wrappers at us. So they had our attention, and I started talking to them. (I am single again, after all.) Both of these fine ladies were from Chicago, in for a convention at the Javits Convention Center, and looking for fun things to do in the Big Apple. After hearing that we lived here, they moved over to our table to chat. We talked about interesting things to do here, clubs, museums, and theatre, then they asked us all sorts of questions about us. They could tell Rick was from somewhere else. When he said West Texas, Doreen, the tall one, shrieked, jumped up and sat on his lap. “I just love big Texan men!” she said with a laugh. And wouldn’t you know who came through the door right at that moment? Kaitlin, of course! Can you guess how she took this scene? Of course, mayhem ensued. She picked up the first thing she could get her hands on, one of those candles they put on tables, and zinged it at his head. He ducked, and the candle landed on the floor, smashing into lots of little glittery shards. He removed the woman from his lap, who was totally bewildered and stepped toward Kaitlin. I quickly removed both women back to their table, with a quick “Sorry”. By this time, Rick had Kaitlin’s elbow and was walking her back to the door. Kaitlin was screaming and crying at the same time. I paid for the drinks and followed the couple out of the bar. Kaitlin was really crushed. You could see it in her eyes. Rick was trying to calm her down and assure her that what she saw wasn’t what it looked like. Then he did it. He opened his mouth and inserted his foot (and most of his leg, too). “Look… Stop all this drama. Some chick sits on my lap for a second and you hit the roof, but I’m supposed to be understanding when you ruin my car and strand us all in the desert?” I have to say it wasn’t pretty. I’ll tell you more about how this turned out next time…. I’m taking a lesson from Zig Ziglar this week, so I’d like to share the Zen quote for this week with ya. He said, “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.” Well folks, I think that’s going to be my philosophy for some days to come. |
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Take care,
Editor, 123Greetings
P.S. Keep an eye on my blog to get the latest and continuing saga!
just wanted to tell you how very much i enjoy your news letter. makes me laugh everytime i get it.thanks
Life has been tough lately and you just had me LOLing all the way through.
Poor dog!!!
Everything esle was funny!!!
I love hearing the stories that you write. I am new to your site and enjoy getting the weekly newsletter. I can’t wait until next week to see what the rest of the story is with each one told. as Paul Harvey used to say lol Thanks for the latest happenings in your life, it is anything but dull! Keep up the great work. A new fan, Lori
Ridiculously stupid. Please take me off your list.
Veeeeeeeeeeeery clever,keep up the inovative ideas
Bob the Editor needs editing….
Really enjoyed the newsletter, it made me laugh many times. I think it would be more interesting if you would include more pictures.
Thanks and keep up the good work,
Just finished reading about you and your friends. Took me back to the time before I was married. I worked as a telephone operator,before dial systems were installed. We used to meet at a diner and the conversations were very similiar. Good memories recalled.
Keep up the good work. Enjoyed the saga of friends.
Please do not send any more e-mails. Please take me off your list.
T. Moore
Please remove me from the mailing list.
I love reading your emails and seeing all the drama that has been happening in you and your friends lives – makes mine seem dull and boring. Keep up with your newsletters. Sometimes I wished that I lived in the Big Apple instead of the Washington, DC suburbs.
Dear Editor Bob,
I have been receiving the weekly newsletter for sometimes and I cannot use the exisiting address to receive it anymore due to my retirement from the organisation and therefore, I would request that you change my email address to alfred07h.m.tsang@gmail.com with immediate effect so that I can continue to enjoy reading your newsletter.
Thank you so much for your help which is much appreciated!
Every blessing!
So look forward every week to all the interesting happenings in Bobs life.All the friends are great and every week something new is going on.Sounds like they are all enjoying life and know when to move on………..
OMG! Poor Kong…I can’t imaging having a thermometer stuck up my butt all day! Sounds like someone needs to get their priorities in order (your friend the vet). That is a terrible mistake and finishing the exam was the least he could do! I would hope you weren’t charged for any of it, and good thing he is your friend…moving on….I love your newsletter and look forward to the continuing sagas of your acquaintances. Your newsletter is better than my favorite soap opera. And about Laura, she’s right you know, you deserve someone who can offer you all of them and not just what’s left over at the end of the day….
Keep up the good work!
I must admit I do enjoy reading your e-mails. I just am amazed at some of the things you go through. How do your friends feel about writing about them for public distribution, especially the romance situations? I can identify with your latest heartbreak…am there right now too. Do you really go through all of this stuff all the time?
Bob…To be sure 123Greetings just has to be the creation of someone that REALLY cares about people. In just over a month i’ve had the chance to not only heal from old wounds through the use of this much needed service of your’s:I’ve also been able to mend fractured relations of the past. I tip my hat to you Bob,continue the great work that you are doing in God’s great kingdom.
I rec’d this newletter/blog or what ever you called it and really enjoyed it !!! By the end of it I felt like I really knew you guys !!! I don’t know why I got it and if I can read previous exerpts. I really would like to know what happened at the trip !!!! Is it possible to read old blogs?
thank you for sending this to me now I am hooked !!!!
How often do you send these saga stories? Can’t wait for the next one !!!!
This is the website
I LOVE your newsletters and YOU! Hang in there! Women come and women go; just learn to say, “Bye!” You’ll know when it is the ‘real’ thing!
It’s only when we learn to embrace and accept both our darkness and our light, our beauty and our ugliness, our human nature and our spiritual glory, that we can ever live (and love!) to the fullest.
Please take me off of your mailing list. I do not want to get any more of these letters.
Thank you.
I Realy enjoyed the the stories thank)s Monika
Hi Bob – I love reading your newsletter. So sorry about Laura….some things aren’t meant to be. But from reading your newsletter, she let a good one get away. Remaining friends can be difficult after a break up. You will always have that slither of hope that it will go back to the way it was. You have a great outlook on life so I’m sure all will work out for the best. Just how young are you????? Have a wonderful day. Mary
Hi Bob,
I just started receiving your newsletter and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading it!
I have been really lucky in the love department and want to encourage you to keep looking. I have been married 26 years to a wonderful guy, have 3 great sons and life is good.
I wish you much happiness!
Take care and keep writing and sharing your life with us.
Hello Bob,
ur life is so full of friends n u r a genuine friend of all always be the same loving Bob .
Hi Bob,
You’ve really made my day. Poor you! I hope Laura seriously reconsiders her stand of booting you. I hope she will loosen her stand. It doesn’t matter the special treatment she wants to give to the child. You are also special to her. Good day and keep it up!!!!!!!!!
I wish you happiness and big LOVE in your life)))
Oh, Poor Kong. I’m glad he is better. Thanks so much for the newletter. I look forward to them. I have been to New York twice and really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work, Bob. I feel like part of your family.
Dear Bob,
sometimes people plan/thought did not turn up well.
At least Laura respect you, she let you know her feeling without avoiding you. Hope your heart broken cure faster.
You are too good.
I’m happy and thx for the e-cards it really helps me alot
Thank You
you are hilarious, to be honest I just started to read you a week ago, my eleven year old daughter fancies her self as a writer, she reads your newsletter and loves it.
I really love you,
Dear 123greetings.com staff
Hello every one
I wanted so much to tell you that th 123 e_cards was so helpful, cute,and many times expressable and helps much…
Realy I want so much to thank all the group and staff of 123greetings and specially those who are working to implament this e-cards.
Thanks a lot from Cairo/Egypt for all of you.
My best regards.
Adel A. Abdelaziz
Hi Bob,
I liked your last letter. For some reason there was something in there, some open space. Space for hope. As more awaken I became and learnt more about myself and all factors that influence my life, I realize that the more I was trying to arrange my life the less arranged it was, simply because I did not listen my inner voice, or I was not brave to respect it, or simply it was not strong enough to hear it. Yet, you cannot live your life under glass, I guess. You learn about yourself from your mistakes, or at least that’s my way. And what I have learnt so far is to give destiny a chance, do not rush. If there is someone out there meant to be, or Universe sent it for you – it has to be proven. It has to click in the right way, and if does not, than you was mistaken.
Thanks for your letters,
thank you for mail
Hi Bob,
Great letter as usual. Sorry you are not with Laura now but maybe it’s for the best. There will be a super person not far away, just for you.
Good luck and best wishes,
June xx
OMG….poor doggy. I’m glad he’s doing much better though. Just keep him away from Megan! LOL.
Thank you for 123 greeting cards and for your newsletter. Your cards help me keep in touch with my family in the States, especially with my nieces. Your newsletter makes my day. I love reading your adventures. Grazie Mille!!!!
Sicily Italy
As usual I really enjoyed your newsletter. You sound like a rather young feller so would you mind giving a few clues about your age. I get a real kick out of the way you write about your and your friends adventures and misadventures. Reminds me of my younger days. Let’s just say that the 60’s were awesome. Take care.
As usual I really enjoyed your newsletter. You sound like a rather young feller so would you mind giving a few clues about your age. I get a real kick out of the way you write about your and your friends adventures and misadventures. Reminds me of my younger days. Let’s just say that the 60’s were awesome. Take care
Hi Bob
Thank you for your good work. You always make
my day/night after reading your stories. Keep
it up looking forward to reading more
Thanks for newsletter – stories are becoming every day more interesting!
hi, its cool job to send greetings to someone, carry it.
When I read about the thermometer stuck in Kong’s butt, I remembered an incident years ago when one of my mom’s dog was really sick & dehydrated. The vet stuck the thermometer in & for some reason, the thermometer was sucked right in. Could have killed him, but fortunately, he did pass it. ALWAYS make sure the vet keeps a hold of that darn thermometer so you don’t lose your buddy. My one vet does the temp with an ear thermometer, which I like much, much better. Take care of him! Enjoy your stories!
U really know how to write. At times, I cry from what your write. They are sometimes emottionally packed! God will give you more grace to continue bringing joy to the faces of people who run to their mailboxes to read your newsletters each time they are bored because the newsletters make them smile.
More thumbs up Bob!
Hi Bob
Thank you for the 123Greeting cards. I was first introduced to them by a friend from the UK.They are so convinient. I now use them to keep in touch with my daughter in Australia and my son in UK. I also enjoy reading your newsletters.Wish you all the best.
Lusaka, Zambia.
By Annette on June18, 2008
Hey Bob!
See,ur letters r perfect and awesome,so don’t worry about those stupids who criticize u for fun.
Bye.Keep doing well.
All the best!
Hello Bob,
Deserted your sweet heart Aliya?
Looking forward the Re-Union….
Your Mails are filled with Substance.It took sometime before I settled down to read your emails,but once I got going I have turned more positive towards LIFE!Keep up the Good Work!!
how are you.
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