Commit To The True Pillars of Love

The air is infused with love as Valentine’s Day is here! Aaliyah and I will be going for a short gateway and celebrating it! Last Sunday, while I was watering the beautiful February flowers that bloomed on my balcony, the doorbell rang! We were expecting Donna and Megan to be here and enjoy breakfast.

Aaliyah went and opened the door! The three of them hugged and then we all started the morning with a Hazelnut latte. It looked like a perfect Sunday morning!

After Aaliyah took a sip, there was a mustache of coffee froth near her lips. I took a tissue and wiped it.

Donna and Megan teased the two of us! “Awwww….. Love birds, you too!” Said, Donna.

“Seriously, so much mush and care after so many years! I mean what is it?” Asked Megan with a wink.

Both Aaliyah and I laughed. We both have been together for years now and honestly, we still are the same as how we used to be. Love makes you behave like a teenager initially! But with time, it matures into something more profound. It is more of partnership and understanding.

“Well, it’s just falling in love with each other more each day. It involves playing different roles like that of a lover, a friend, a confidant, a support system, and even a critic!” I replied.

“Absolutely! It’s also keeping the spark alive by flirting with each other. It’s listening to the heart and doing things we love!” Replied Aaliyah.

Both Megan and Aaliyah nodded in admiration and said, “Rise in love like always you two!” And then we enjoyed the sumptuous breakfast that was cooked by Aaliyah.

Not just one day, but every day is a celebration of love when you are with the right one! Love and feel the joy of being in love every day. Do what makes you and your partner happy! Commit yourself to true pillars like transparency, companionship, trust, and mutual respect to build a strong foundation with your partner. Amidst all the highs and lows, just know that in the end, it will all be worth it! Happy Valentine’s Day, every one!


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