Thoughts on International Women’s Day – II

Send International Women's Day EcardsAfter Donna’s post, today we have another of my closest friends, Megan. She’s been with me through thick and thin and anyone who has been reading my newsletters know her very well. She’s the most sensible of all my friends and our ‘voice of reason’. Over to her…

Don’t believe Bob when he says I’m some ‘voice of reason’ and all! I liked his idea of having these guests’ posts written by the women he knows. For me, International Women’s Day is for all women out there who dare to dream. I can understand what led the UN to decide on the theme this International Women’s Day: elimination of violence against women and girls. I can’t believe that even today, a successful woman like Rihanna is being beaten up in an inhuman way!

I don’t want to sound like a feminist or something. I just want to speak up for women who are denied the right to a better life or livelihood. I read of women being discouraged from pursuing their dreams. I know of women who have been compelled to take up careers they never wanted. I also know of women who defied all conventions and fought their way up the ladder, taking the pat and flak with equal maturity. International Women’s Day for all of those women who fought and won, and also for women who are still inching towards that victory line.

I wish all of you a great International Women’s Day! Bob insists that I leave a message for you guys. Well, my message would be, never give up on your dreams. It’s always worth the while to keep wanting to do something you have always wanted to do.

Take lots of care,

Bob here. I have nothing more to add to that really. I think she summed it all very beautifully. You know, I never thought she’d do such a great job. What do you have to say to this? Chime in.

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