Blending The Different Shades To Have A Magical Life

Last evening, when I was enjoying coffee and chocolate cake with Aaliyah after getting back, the doorbell rang. It was May! “Hey! Come in!” I said. Her face looked gloomy. We noticed as she came and sat on the couch. “What happened?” Asked Aaliyah as I went to make her a cup of coffee for May.

She took a pause and then said, “Adrian is so unromantic! I always plan elaborate outings and stays. Look at him! He doesn’t know how to plan or surprise me. Month of Love is coming! Every friend of mine has some loving surprises being shot at them by their partners way in advance and here look at my partner. He makes no efforts!”

“May, calm down! Tell me, is he not there for you day to day as a partner?” I asked.

“He is always there as a true confidant! I have no complaints there!” She replied.

“Then you will have to stop comparing him to others and accept his love language that is different from yours. Confused? Wait let me share a story of my Aunt Michelle and Uncle David!”

“My aunt is an artist. With a heart full of dreams and colors, she communicated her love through the strokes of her paintbrush. Her paintings have been a symphony of vibrant hues, capturing the essence of their shared experiences and the depth of her emotions.” I said.

“That’s beautiful!” May expressed. “Yes, but my uncle is different!” I replied and threw light on him.

“He is a man of action who found solace in the language of service. He expresses love through countless acts of kindness and compassion. From waking up early to prepare aunt’s favorite breakfast to ensuring that every corner of their home radiated comfort and warmth. His actions spoke louder than words. He believed in the power of doing!”

“As the years unfolded, they both continued to express their love through their chosen languages. They learned to appreciate and cherish the beauty in their differences.” I replied.

“I get it now, Bob! Adrian is different from me. I shouldn’t strike comparisons or complain. I should accept the way he is and respect his love language. Thank you so much for making me understand!” Said May.

“Very well then! Now let’s enjoy our cups of coffee and cake before it gets cold!” I expressed and then we continued with our banter.

Love language is personal and it shouldn’t be imposed on someone. There are no rules! The more we complain or compare, the more we lose out on the time for bonding and enjoying. Understanding the differences and appreciating our partner’s love language is how we value them. It adds different shades to the love story. And by blending these different shades one can have a magical life together!

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