5 Baggages That You Don’t Need To Carry

Aaliyah and I met up at a quiet café on a beautiful  autumn evening. However, her usual bright energy seemed a little dimmed. She stirred her frappe absentmindedly. “I’ve been thinking about leaving my  job for a startup,” she said, voice low. “The challenges… What if I fail? Others are already ahead of me, what if this step is risky?”

I could see the weight of her thoughts. “It’s a big decision,” I acknowledged. “Moving from stability to uncertainty isn’t easy, but sometimes the greatest growth comes from taking those risks.”

She nodded, still hesitant. “It just feels like… what if it’s a mistake? What if I’m not cut out for this startup world? People… well, they’ll talk.”

“Aaliyah, you don’t need to carry all this extra weight. There are five types of baggage you can let go of right now.”

She looked at me, curious. I began slowly, “First, let go of the past. You’ve already achieved so much in your current role, but it doesn’t mean you owe your future to it. Dwelling on past successes or failures only limits your future potential. Second, stop worrying about what others think. People will always have opinions, but it’s your life, your journey. That’s what matters most.”

Aaliyah nodded slowly, “Third,” I continued, “is perfectionism. You don’t need to have it all figured out before you take the plunge. Perfection isn’t real, progress is. Fourth, avoid comparing your journey to others. Success doesn’t have one shape, and just because your path looks different doesn’t mean it’s the wrong one.”

“And lastly,” I said gently, “let go of fear. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown—it’s what holds most of us back. But imagine how much lighter you’d feel without it. Trust your instincts. You don’t need to carry that fear into this new chapter.”

Aaliyah smiled, as if the load she had been holding on to had lessened just a bit. “Thanks, Bob. I didn’t realize how much I was holding on to. I think I can do this.”

I assured her. “Yes, You Go, Girl! Just keep in mind, life’s too short to carry what doesn’t serve you. Lighten your load, focus on what matters and let the rest fall away.”

As after our conversation, I couldn’t help but think that this is something all of us could benefit from. Whether it’s a career move, a personal challenge, or just the weight of everyday life, letting go of unnecessary baggage allows us to move forward with clarity and courage. In the end, it’s not about avoiding risk, but about freeing ourselves from what holds us back, so we can chase our dreams without being weighed down.

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