Super Sunday, Smiles Speak, Anger Woes February 3, 2010Editor Bob 1 Hello everyone, It’s action time! Read what we are doing with a Sunday football party, and also about friends who are fighting, one ..more
Complimenting Her, Groundhogs, Cross Dating January 27, 2010Editor Bob 3 Hi all, This week we’ll read how too many compliments can be an issue of debate between people who have nothing to do ..more
A Craftsy Hug, For Penguins, Pet Etiquette January 20, 2010Editor Bob 1 Hi there, Creativity dazzles you into admiration. In this edition, find out how a simple craft can say a thousand words. Also, what ..more
Express Love, True Dreams, Friendship Token January 13, 2010Editor Bob 3 Hello friends, This edition points out why you express your love with words rather than allow only non-verbal gestures to convey your feelings. ..more
Cuddling Up, Evening Waltz, Back to Work January 6, 2010Editor Bob 3 Hi there, The festive season still lingers on, though the bite is weak. It’s time to get back to work. But two teenage ..more
New Year Wishes, Being Single, Party Updates December 30, 2009Editor Bob 4 Hello everyone, A very happy New Year to all of you! In the first edition of 2010, read about New Year resolutions and ..more
Merry X-mas, Winter Kids, Something Special December 23, 2009Editor Bob 2 Hi friends, Wish you all a very happy Christmas! Find out what we are doing for Christmas this year. An office party that ..more
Christmas Carol, Adamant Mom, Marriage Bells December 16, 2009Editor Bob 6 Hello friends, Christmas is just a week away! I’m sure you guys are preparing to have a great time this Christmas. Read in ..more
Christmas Cards, Good Day, Behavior At Work December 9, 2009Editor Bob 4 Hey you, We are getting close to Christmas! The anticipation is building up slowly and with each passing day the excitement gets closer ..more
Just A Hug, Friends At Work, Family Time December 2, 2009Editor Bob 4 Hi friends, This week we have our most volatile couple go at each other over a hug! Also, winter flowers brighten up some ..more