God’s Grand Plan Is Revealed In The Life Of St. Patrick March 3, 2015Editor Bob Comment Being amongst the 3 million spectators of the St. Patrick’s Day parade on Fifth Avenue in New York, where more than 200,000 people ..more
The Difference, That Makes All The Difference! February 26, 2015Editor Bob Comment “Women earn 30% less as compared to men in various fields in America, be it medical profession or selling insurance this disparity has ..more
Mom, I Love When You Succeed And Learn When You Falter, You Are My Window To The World! February 18, 2015Editor Bob Comment It is nearly 9.00 pm EST which means that I can finally see Megan; she gets her real break of the day when ..more
Laughter, Insanity, Friends, Love And Cuddles- Bob’s Prescription To A Joyful Life! February 10, 2015Editor Bob Comment Yesterday morning as I was starting my daily grind, I noticed a woman throw a cookie-wrapper on the roadside; I was enraged. I ..more
The Perfect Valentine Dinner! February 6, 2015Editor Bob Comment Valentine’s Day is here. I recall how exciting the last few weeks have been as we celebrated the various days of love and ..more
Love Treasure Hunt! January 30, 2015Editor Bob Comment The snowstorm hyped by the media as the blizzard of the century, officially named Juno, hit the city just recently. Although it was ..more
Stop Walking Alone In Your Shadow! – Groundhog’s Message January 21, 2015Editor Bob Comment In NYC, we crave for the luminous skies and warm weather which are still months away. I am recovering from the cabin fever. ..more
An Auspicious Chinese New Year Gallops In! January 15, 2015Editor Bob Comment On January 31st, a new Chinese New Year gallops in. Yes, it will be the year of the horse in the Chinese lunar ..more
Season Of Love, Romance And Celebrations! January 9, 2015Editor Bob Comment Winter is not just a season of celebrations but is also a season of love and romance. So, make sure you don’t miss ..more
Spread the “New Cheer” With January Flowers! January 2, 2015Editor Bob Comment This quiet start to a blossoming new life is the perfect time to express gratitude and send thank you cards to those who ..more