Five Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Last Friday when I was enjoying the evening breeze while giving a belly rub to Kong, I got a call from Ethan. “Hey, Uncle Bob! I did it! The campaign was a great success! Your tips worked wonders!” He expressed with an overjoyed voice. “Congratulations! The drink is on you this time!” I replied. “Yeah, sure!” He replied and then we went on planning our next outing.

The story dates a few months back. Being new at his current job, he was quite nervous when he was asked to lead a project. “How can I do it?” He had asked. Self-confidence is the key to success! Ethan was lacking it!

I had shared with him these five tips to boost his confidence:

  • Visualize success – When we take up a challenge that we are scared of we push our boundaries. Visualizing success before starting the task helps to clear self-doubts and leaves no room for negative thoughts. We start feeling more confident.
  • Keep a mindset of growth- When we decide to grow we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. We are not afraid of trying out new things. We embrace the challenges to learn, adapt, innovate, and become more confident.
  • Stop comparison- Comparing ourselves to others’ achievements and success puts us under immense pressure.That takes away our performance. Know that each person has a different path and learning before achieving the goal.
  • Surround yourself with positivity- Being around people who motivate us is important. Their encouragement makes us feel stronger and helps us to grow. Our limiting beliefs are overshadowed by their positive words. We start feeling good!
  • Don’t fear failure- Many of us fail not because the task was difficult but because we let it fail in our minds. Don’t let that happen! Even if things don’t work out in your favor, know that there is always a next time. First, be proud of taking up the challenge! Second, go for it again with more focus and zeal!

Confidence helps us to experience life with freedom by not surrendering to self-doubts and negative thinking. We take more risks and end up conquering our dreams one after the other!

Start following these tips to become unstoppable!

Also, let me know what else you do to shoot up your self-confidence!

One thought on “Five Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

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