James Gandolfini Aka Tony Soprano Passes Away! June 20, 2013Editor Bob 1 Rest in peace, James Gandolfini. You will be missed. Fifty one is not an age to go. He had a big body, but ..more
Let’s Talk About The Planet! June 17, 2013Editor Bob Comment Ignorance is bliss in a cute context, but not when it involves serious issues. Especially, if we don’t even know much about how ..more
Whistleblower And The Government Of The Day! June 12, 2013Editor Bob 1 Eric Snowden is a household name by now. He is that alleged ex-CIA personnel who leaked information on how the United States government ..more
Today Is Dad’s Day! June 9, 2013Editor Bob 2 The man behind the scenes, always, has a day dedicated to himself. Yes, we are talking about the unsung dad! It is always ..more
How Honest One Can Be? June 6, 2013Editor Bob 1 How honest have you been? When I say honest, I mean how candid have you been with the truth with others in your ..more
Happy Best Friends Day! June 3, 2013Editor Bob 3 You have a problem. You can’t tell anyone. The problem is so complex and will certainly make you look embarrassing if you were ..more
Light at the End of the Tunnel! May 30, 2013Editor Bob 1 A common theme that we get to see these days within a whole lot of people is the feeling of indifference. They believe ..more
Say Hello to a Beautiful Day! May 27, 2013Editor Bob 3 A new day comes with infinite possibilities and all of them are positive. Every day is a new slate with nothing written on ..more
Beauty – A Debate! May 23, 2013Editor Bob 2 Look at the models on television and magazines and then at the mirror. Spot the difference? Your cute smile is genuine. That’s what ..more
Conversations In A Relationship! May 20, 2013Editor Bob 2 Do you know why most of the relationships come to an untimely end? Lack of understanding. Do you know why most of the ..more