Let me start by wishing you all a great day!
One of you had asked me to write about how the elderly can live their life in a pleasant way adding meaning to their days.
It is completely understandable. During these times of economic struggle, it is sometimes tough for them to pass a day without worrying about if they have enough for tomorrow. And there is always that pride that wouldn’t let them ask or expect anything from their kids and kin.
What are elderly really adept at?
Tending the garden and growing some flowers?
There is another thing that you are all good at – Telling Stories. Don’t get me wrong. They are not chattering away, what I meant is that they have a wealth of experience and too many anecdotes and stories to say that are life’s lessons. It is a treasure trove that they have up there in their mind and in their hearts.
One problem though… Their kids or grandchildren don’t have the time to listen to them.
All you have to do is learn how to switch on a computer, get yourself a blog and write your experiences and click submit.
It is not tough. You have to spend an hour with your grandkid and he will teach you or you can hire a computer professional for a few pennies and he would do that for you.
After that you can start typing. You have all day… And those sleepless nights! If family doesn’t listen, the world will.
You can part a wealth of experience and still generate advertisement revenue to your blog using the traffic that wades in.
You will end up doing what you love and in return will earn enough to keep yourselves going.
You may not only share your experiences on life, but also the recipes. Yes, too many burgers and sandwiches here already. You know some herbs concoctions don’t you? Share them.
And the songs. We don’t hear lyrics any more from the songs that are played these days, but jus’ noise.
Life’s a struggle, but you elderly gentlemen and women are whom we look up to for inspiration. You can do it better than others if you know how to use the technology.
We use them as gadgets. You can use them as tools for a better life.
Show us.