It is very much a strong word. Never use the word ‘hate’. Absence of love is not hate. It is indifference. Do not judge someone before you even know the person. Instant judgment kills relationships and opportunities. No one can judge anyone.
If you judge someone too soon, that is completely wrong because you don’t know much about that person. If you judge someone you love, then you don’t really love that person.
Jesus asked us not to call someone a sinner unless we ourselves have not sinned. Whenever someone does something bad to you, put yourself in his or her place and think how you would have reacted in such a scenario.
If you feel you would have done what they are doing now, then be quiet and move away. If you think you would have reacted better then too move away. You do not need the extra aggravation. You have enough of your own, anyway.
Let the matters be. You are not a coward for doing this. You are intelligent if you do it. There are better things in life to think about. This kind of hate mongering is not needed.
There are kids whom you can smile it and there are flowers that you can smell.
Life has too many good things to offer, let us not waste time on emotions that are unpleasant.
Learn to let go. Be it a relationship that doesn’t want to work, be it an office that doesn’t suit your taste or a friendship that demands unfair things.
There is a time for everything. If you hold onto something too tight it will slip through your fingers. Even if it is a feather and it has an intention to stay, it will find a way to stick to your fingers.
Remember that.
Do not hate, do not be in and around that emotion. It is injurious to heart.