I prayed so hard and so faithfully that God appeared in front of me.
He smiled and said, “Bob, you have impressed me with your prayers. You deserve a blessing, what would you want?”
I thought for a moment and replied, “My dear God, I would love all my friends, family and the ones who are reading my blogs and newsletters to be happy.”
God raised his eyebrow and said, “You ask for too much, Bob… Okay, I can give them happiness, but only for 7 days. You choose the time period.”
I said, “Then it would be… Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.”
He smiled. And said, “Smart aren’t you, Bob? Well, then I can give these people happiness only two times a week… Which ones would you choose?”
I replied, “Well, then it should be weekdays and weekend.”
God said, “Ah! Now, you are being wicked. Okay, here’s the last chance for you… I can give you only a few moments in a day, now… Choose!”
I thought for a while… And said, “Then God, give them happiness only for few minutes in a day… Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.”
God said, “Bob, I have got other things to do… You seem to really want happiness for all your dear and near ones… And of course, it is granted. Happy?”
“Thank You, God” I said.
Well, He also said, if you do not comment on my blog then I have the right to inflict a punishment or two on you.
Good day and be happy!