Money Is Not The Be All And End All Of Everything!

Okay, money can buy everything or so you think.

In fact, all material things can be bought. They could be inexpensive or mighty expensive. What’s with the philosophy that if you have money, you have everything?

When you are bored of buying and accumulating, then you go and do philanthropy in the name of giving back to the society. Sounds like quite the fad when it comes to billionaires. Nothing wrong with that. Really. There is more poverty in this world than rich people.

Would you believe it if I say the most troubled individuals in this world don’t want your money, but your attention and care?

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Believe me when I say that. That’s the fact. They don’t want sympathy, but an ear to listen. Sometimes, they wanted to be talked to. At other times, they would like to just go for a walk with you. Maybe, sometimes they just want to sit beside you and enjoy the silence.

Sometimes they just want to smile while someone is watching them.

If you have noticed, most people who are lonely smile to themselves.

It is not a disorder, it is just that they are alone and have to do that to themselves.

The disorder is not theirs, but ours. As normal people, we are supposed to be with them when they need us. It could be your lonely elders in the family or on the street.

We are all human beings. We are one clan.

No religious or geographical boundaries can change that.

If there is a natural disaster and the geographies blur by flood or earthquake, what would remain?


That is what we are even now. Look around, we all have the same anatomies. We just wear different clothes and speak different languages.

That is all.


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