Lessons to Learn to Attract Your Future In-Laws!

Send Wedding Greetings!Falling in love is beautiful. Having a steady relationship is great. Going down on your knees and popping a ring and asking her to marry you is absolutely fantastic.

Meeting the parents is tricky. Quite tricky.

It is not as easy as it sounds. You have wooed the girl, got her to be yours. All you need is to go and ask for her hand from her parents, right?


You have to woo her parents now. Always remember, your girl is an extension of what her parents are. Whatever you have done, whoever you are, they are her first priority. At least in a fight, you will know which side she will take.

Don’t get too much worked up over this. Accept the reality.

Do not go overdressed or underdressed. You will look fake either way. Do not address them too polite or too casual and you will be called a snob and immature respectively.

Do not boast about your achievements in life. They will think you are lying. Do not keep silent for long intervals, they will think you have something to hide.

Do not touch your girlfriend in front of her parents. Do not call her endearing terms in front of your future in laws.

Do not play with her younger brother. He will take you as a friend and ask you an embarrassing question.

Do not pet her pet dog, she in all probability will not like you. They are possessive aren’t they?

You don’t want to have stitches before you say your wedding vows now.

What should you do then?

Sit through the meeting. Don’t panic. Don’t sweat. Smile. Don’t promise too much. Don’t run. Don’t call them names.

Listen to their anecdotes about their daughter. Do not sleep during that session.

You should do fine.

All the best.


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