The Season Of Love Isn’t Over Yet!

I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day filled with love last week.

Don’t put away the February flowers and chocolates just yet, because the season of love isn’t over yet. The month of February has a lot more love and romance in store for us. And I’m about to go nuts with love.

[dreamwork cats=132,133]
Click on a card to send.

Well, let me begin by telling you that I had an amazing Valentine’s Day and weekend. And it’s not just sharing the celebration of love with the love of my life Aaliyah. It was also spending quality time over the weekend with the friends and family I love.

What could be a better way to celebrate love than that?

So I’m super excited that I get to continue celebrating love this week. Why? Because it’s International Friendship Week, and International Friendship Day is happening this Thursday, on February 16!

I’ve already written down a list of names of friends who live abroad, and on Thursday, I’ll be sending each and every one of them International Friendship Day e-cards, just to let them know that I have not forgotten about them during this season of celebrating love.

By the way, many of my international friends were friends I met during my college years. And gosh, those were the crazy, carefree days of the student lifestyle.

That reminds me, one of the things we enjoyed doing during those college years was going absolutely crazy on Temporary Insanity Day, which is actually happening this Wednesday, on February 19. I would tell you some of the stuff we got up too, but I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself.

I am however going to enjoy going insane with sending wild and whacky Temporary Insanity Day ecards to remind my friends of the good old days, and also remind them that we can still be young and crazy at heart. I think you should do the same too, because everyone deserves to enjoy temporary craziness!

Alright, one last thing to mention before I go nuts;

If you missed out on sending flowers for Valentine’s Day, don’t’ worry. Thank goodness we have the blooms of February flowers, so you can still put a smile on someone’s face with a beautiful bouquet.

All right, over and out, I’m gonna go nuts with love now!


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